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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Google's Mission, Ethical Principles and Involvement in China Case Study
Google's Mission, Ethical Principles and Involvement in China - Case Study Example all, alluding to the oversight forced by the Chinese experts on Google web index that were regarded incendiary and politically touchy especially crackdown of demonstrators in Tiananmen Square (Levin, 2014). This crucial likewise impacted Google’s technique to neutralize restriction and to comply with the laws and guidelines of the nation they are working in. To such an extent that in 2010, Google got exasperated with China’s oversight arrangements that it pulled out its activity out of China (Goldman, 2015). Google’s prime supporter Sergei Brin even reported that our own sites and for the Internet in general we have worked resolutely to battle web oversight around the world(Goldman, 2015). The Chinese market anyway simply end up being unreasonably significant for Google to overlook that in May of 2012, the organization reported â€Å"an hostile to control highlight †under the guise of improving pursuit quality†(Wright, 2013) which means that the organization is respecting the restriction requests of the Chinese position. During those seasons of oversight of the Chinese government against Google, the administration of Google decayed that it favored self- control over awful and no business and have the option to give more data than no data by any means. Self-restriction is Google’s bargain to have the option to work in China that it would be â€Å"better to give Chinese clients access to a constrained measure of data, than to none at all†. This may not be the perfect path for Google to work in China however it additionally needs to keep the laws and guideline of the nation that it is working in. Self-restriction to keep the laws and guidelines of the host nation doesn't imply that Google is as of now being detestable. It might be a trade off yet it is as yet steady with Google’s mission. The control in the Chinese market is not, at this point new to Google moreover. Google likewise had drilled self-restriction in France, Germany and Poland to boycott master Nazi data for what it's worth
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Teachers and Standardized Testing Pressure
Instructors and Standardized Testing Pressure In the event that youre in instruction in the 21st Century, were eager to wager you feel the weight of government sanctioned grades, regardless of where you educate in the United States. The weight appears to originate from all sides: the region, guardians, directors, the network, your partners, and yourself. At times it feels like you cannot remove a second from the in-your-face scholastic subjects so as to instruct purported unnecessary items, similar to music, craftsmanship, or physical training. These subjects are disapproved of by the individuals who carefully screen test scores. Time away from math, perusing, and composing is viewed as time squandered. In the event that it doesnt legitimately lead to improved grades, you arent empowered, or now and then even permitted, to educate it. In California, school rankings and scores are distributed in the papers and talked about by the network. Schools notorieties are represented the deciding factor by the primary concern, numbers imprinted in high contrast on newsprint. Its enough to make any instructors pulse ascend at its idea. What Teachers Have to Say About Standard Testing These are a portion of the things instructors have said throughout the years about state sanctioned grades and the weights encompassing understudy execution: I did fine and dandy in school and life, despite the fact that my educators didnt accentuate accomplishment on tests.Its just one test - for what reason does it make a difference so much?I dont even have the opportunity to show Science or Social Studies any more!I begin showing Test Preparation the principal seven day stretch of school.Its not reasonable that were reviewed on how our understudies do on this test when everything we can do is available the data to them. We cannot help how they will really do on Test Day!My principals on my back this year on the grounds that my understudies didnt so well a year ago. This is only a glimpse of something larger with regards to educators assessments on this disputable issue. Cash, esteem, notoriety, and expert pride are all in question. Heads appear to get extra strain to perform from the locale managers which the principals, thus, go down to their staff. Nobody likes it and the vast majority think its all silly, yet the weight is snowballing and expanding exponentially. What Research Has to Say About Standard Testing Research shows that there is an unfathomable measure of weight that is put on instructors. This weight frequently brings about instructor wear out. Instructors regularly feel like they have to educate to the test which brings about them detracting from higher request thinking aptitudes, which has been demonstrated to have long haul benefits for understudies and is a truly necessary 21st-century ability. Altered By Janelle Cox
Thursday, August 13, 2020
17 Secrets to Improving Teamwork
17 Secrets to Improving Teamwork Every successful organization is a formed by the collection of successful teams. © Shutterstock | Rawpixel.comIn this guide, we will examine the building blocks behind a great team and provide you with 17 secrets to improving teamwork.WHAT MAKES A GREAT TEAM?Before we start examining the secrets to improving teamwork, it’s important to study the concept of a good team. In order to truly enhance the way your team operates, you should be aware of the characteristics behind every successful team.Harvard Business Review published a review of MIT Human Dynamics Laboratory’s study from 2012, which examined the components of a good team. The study followed the patterns of communication by seemingly identical teams over a six-week period.The collected data revealed the key characteristics of the more successful teams which are.Equal contribution from every member of the teamThe team shared a lot of energyTeam member’s communicated directly with each otherThe team conducted back-channel conversationsThe members explored the outside world and reported their findings back to the teamThe study also concluded the wisdom that individual talent is far less important to team success than the ability of the whole team to communicate efficiently. Therefore, much of the improvement to teamwork relies on the improvement of the team’s communication patterns.Here’s a short video outlining the findings of the study:The key ways to improving teamwork include aspects such as managing group dynamics, improving communication, facilitating accountability, and encouraging further development.We’ll now provide tips that focus on these points in order for you to bring out the best in your team.MANAGE GROUP DYNAMICSThe first important aspect of improving teamwork involves the management of group dynamics.Secret 1: Divide roles based on individual strengthsWhen you start allocating the team roles, it’s important to focus on the individual strengths of the team members. This isn’t necessarily as much about having the best person for each role, as it is abou t creating an atmosphere of success and accomplishment.If each team member has a role they are good at, they are more likely to feel valued and radiate this kind of positive energy to the rest of the group. On the other hand, if people are in roles that don’t suit them or help them achieve positive objectives, the frustration and resentment within the team can start building up.Secret 2: Allow members to step upIt’s crucial the team management doesn’t start favoring any particular members of the team by always giving the key roles and responsibilities to them. You should instead encourage team members to step up and challenge themselves.A good way to do this is by asking for volunteers for roles. For example, instead of stating that person A is doing a specific job; inform the team you need someone for a particular task. If the same people are always stepping up, try to encourage the more quiet members of the team to take the lead.Another way to get everyone involved is by ens uring each team member reviews projects and decisions before finalization. Before documents or plans are finalized, have each member provide short feedback.Secret 3: Focus on positive feedbackTeamwork can be improved by feedback, but the focus should always be on positive instead of negative feedback. Positive feedback is another powerful tool for encouraging positive atmosphere within the team and ensuring everyone feels valued.It’s a good idea to organize individual assessment sessions with team members, but also provide valuable feedback to the team as a whole. By stating the value of the team’s overall success and the individual contributions, you can boost the team’s morale. IMPROVE COMMUNICATIONThe next tips deal with the ways you can improve how the team communicates with each other. Communication is at the heart of teamwork and it should be among the key focus areas within the team.Secret 4: Have an open door policyThe management in the team and within the wider organi zation must keep an open door policy. You need team members to feel they are able to communicate problems or positive developments at any time.You can enhance the open door policy by allowing questions and suggestions from the team. The management should always listen to these inquiries and respond to them positively. If a suggestion isn’t viable, for instance, don’t just say it won’t be implemented, but explain the reasons and give positive feedback to the person for suggesting it.When a team member faces difficulties, either with the project or something in their personal life, ensure the whole team is there to help. This can be done by reducing the tasks the person has to do or by providing additional out-of-work support.Secret 5: Encourage brainstormingThe team should also be encouraged to brainstorm at different times during the project. For example, a brainstorming session once a week or every two weeks is a good idea. Ensure the session is one where all ideas are welcom ed and looked at. The team should think outside of the box and be analytical when it comes to ideas.Crazy ideas shouldn’t be viewed negatively or jokingly. By listening to everyone’s ideas, you can create trust within the group and spark ideas that might lead to success.It’s a good idea to change the location to challenge the group more. Don’t just gather in the conference room, but go outside of the office or sit down in a bustling café to get everyone into a different thinking gear.[slideshare id=4445614doc=betterideasfasterfinalv5lowres-100608175948-phpapp02w=640h=330]Secret 6: Nurture curiosityCuriosity is an important part of successful teams. Just as the MIT study showed, members should be looking outside of the team as well and come back with ideas. Curiosity for finding solutions should therefore always be encouraged.Invigorate curiosity by ensuring team members are asking questions and looking for answers. Remove the common “That’s a dumb question†from the v ocabulary of team members. Every question deserves an answer.Secret 7: Encourage team activity away from workFinally, improve communication by having the team enjoy each other’s company even outside of work. Knowing the social side of each team member can build trust and remove barriers for asking those questions or for coming up with new ideas.Get started by encouraging the team to eat lunch with each other. You can do so by creating unique takeaway opportunities in conference rooms or organizing picnics during the warmer season.You also need to organize events outside of the work environment. These don’t even necessarily have to be face-to-face meetings, but rather online opportunities to engage in conversation. For example, use social media to connect the team and enhance outside-of-work collaboration with instant messaging services such as SnapChat.FACILITATE ACCOUNTABILITYSuccessful teamwork requires a set of rules. It’s essential team members are accountable, as it disco urages negative behavior and builds trust.Secret 8: Define the roles for each memberThe first step towards better accountability is by outlining the roles of each team member. Everyone should know the key objective for the whole team, but also be given their own set of goals and tasks. By defining the roles, the team will experience less confusion and stepping over each other’s toes.As mentioned above, you want to use the strengths of each member for the benefit of the whole team. Assign tasks based on these strengths and ensure everyone understands their role within the team before the project gets going.Review and readjust the roles throughout the process and remember to guarantee everyone’s contribution is valued in equal terms.[slideshare id=39059122doc=workplaceaccountabilitywhitepaper-140914003745-phpapp02w=640h=330]Secret 9: Outline the expectationsThe above secret tip briefly mentioned the importance of defining the objectives, both in terms of the whole team and the ind ividual members. It’s crucial for each member to be aware of these expectations from the start.Before the project, the team should gather and outline the desired outcomes, the behaviors that can help achieve these and the objectives that need to be fulfilled. Notice the importance of having the team part of the process and it not being just a top-down management decision.Secret 10: Create clear timelines and check on progressIn addition, the team should have a clear picture of the schedule. Having a schedule, with smaller milestones can definitely help and it ensures the team doesn’t feel too burdened.There also needs to be a proper review routine in place to ensure the team or individual members are not falling behind. Don’t make the team members feel like they are being stalked, but ensure the management is aware of individual progress. This can be done through self-assessment forms or during feedback sessions.Furthermore, ensure there’s assistance available for individual s who are falling behind. One good idea is to have a buddy system, where members who are nearly done with their task can flexibly assist the people who have plenty more tasks left to do.Secret 11: Build a routineTeams with a routine, perform better and have less animosity within them, according to workplace expert Marta Moakley of XpertHR. Routine isn’t just about having a schedule, with operational milestones, but also a routine for other teamwork related things.For example, there should be a routine in place for problem solving and discussions. When a team faces a difficulty, they should know what the route is to solving it. This could be a method for contacting team leader, who’d organize a meeting following a similar pattern. The steps would be to outline the problem, break it down into smaller sections, find solutions for each section and assign team members who can rectify the issues.Furthermore, the team should also have a routine for dealing with team members who behave in negative or harmful manner. If someone’s not pulling their weight or there are issues of bullying, it’s important to have a routine for dealing with the behavior. Again, the steps could include defining the issue, talking to the perpetrator and the possible victim, sharing the issue with the wider team, finding solutions to the issue and moving on once the solution has been found.Whilst many organizations and teams tend to dissolve conflict by only talking to the people immediately involved in a conflict situation, some experts suggest involving the whole team in conflict solving routines. Don Maruska, author of How Great Decisions Get Made, has said, “Often, these additional people bring balance to the discussion and encourage bigger thinking.â€Secret 12: Set up a social contractOne of the best ways to facilitate accountability is by setting up a social contract. This refers to an agreement by the team’s members outlining the rules for behavior. It summarizes the norms for interaction and communication within the team.A social contract is not just a fancy fad. Research has shown that well-implemented social contracts provide employees with a deeper sense of control and security within the team. This can enhance the sense of accountability and trust among members and the manager, as everyone is clear on what is accepted and what is not.The team must always be part of the creation of the rules in the social contract.The contract can be drawn by focusing on questions such as:What are the expectations of team members towards each other?What are the things and behavior that work for the benefit of the team?What are the things and behaviors that don’t benefit the team?What are the things and behaviors the team should adopt? What should they stop doing?Ensure the whole team provides their input and more importantly, buys into the agreement. It can only work if the breach of the contract has consequences and if everyone shares the ideas behind it.This b oils down to creating a lovable working atmosphere and culture.[slideshare id=17415022doc=culturecode-v7-130320111259-phpapp02w=640h=330]ENCOURAGE DEVELOPMENTFinally, the following points focus on improving the team’s collective knowledge. By continuous development and training, the team can generate more energy and understanding, which will ultimately lead to successSecret 13: Provide on-going trainingA sense of accomplishment can boost the team’s morale and energy. A simple way to do this is by guaranteeing the members continue developing their skill and gain positive experiences through training. Each team member should participate in development courses and to educate themselves further. Not only does this boost the team’s knowledge and therefore, guarantees better success, but it also helps the individual on a personal level.The skills they train should develop their ability to work on the particular role, but the management should also provide training enhancing the over all abilities required in the team. These can be either technical or social skills, as long as they improve the member’s ability to flexible in the workplace.You can improve the team’s overall success, their sense of being a closer team and the individual’s sense of accomplishment by having the person report on the studies. A short presentation of what the person learned and how it can help the team can be highly beneficial to the team.Secret 14: Establish a mentoring programYou should also consider providing a mentoring program for each team member or small sections of the team. These can be great for boosting energy and help team members feel more accountable as well as supported.If the provision of individual mentors is not possible, you can organize regular team boosting events with interesting guest speakers. Motivational talks by industry experts or social behavior experts can help build up teamwork and trust.Secret 15: Set challenges to the teamDevelopment doesn’t alw ays have to relate to the specific industry the team is working on. In fact, management should also challenge the team regularly with problems that don’t relate to the task. This can improve the team’s ability to work together, boost their problem solving skills and take their mind off from work for a few moments.Small problems, such as figuring out a murder mystery or solving a giant word puzzle, can force the team to communicate and collaborate. This ensures they don’t just fall for their smaller cliques within the team or stop talking to each other. In fact, a fun task during the workday can enhance innovation and ensure the team tries to experiment with different solutions.Remember to have the team analyze the challenge afterwards and outline the reasons why they either failed or succeeded with it. The idea is to engage them in understanding how working as a team can be beneficial and what are the keys to successful co-operation.Secret 16: Reward resultsFinally, teamwork c an be improved by rewarding positive performance and behavior. When the team accomplishes a task, comes up with a new perspective or solves a tricky problem, they should be rewarded for it. This ensures the team feels valued, understands the importance of teamwork and creates a feeling of positive energy.The reward doesn’t need to be anything too big, although financial reward such as a bonus can act as a powerful incentive. But you should also consider team-building rewards such as dinner for the whole team, a shorter workday or a bottle of bubbly for all.Remember that while congratulating the team as a whole is important, you should also reward individual successes. This shouldn’t be done at the expense of others nor should you always reward the same persons. But rewarding team members individually can also boost the overall happiness of the team.BONUS SECRET TO IMPROVING TEAMWORKAs a final tip, we focus on a surprising fact about improving teamwork.Secret 17: Don’t be afr aid to mix up the teamsWhile familiar teams tend to be friendlier and have better trust structures, studies have shown that newly formed teams are better at generating ideas. Therefore, you should not be afraid to switch roles or members within a team, especially if the current team is stalling in progress or doesn’t co-operate well.Ensure the teams have a good balance between talent and individual skill. If the department has a number of smaller teams, you don’t want all of the talented individuals in one team. By having a clear division of higher skillsets, you can easily create resentment between teams and this can be harmful for teamwork.See one example on the impact of diverse teams. THE BOTTOM LINEOverall, the secrets to improving teamwork are all about improving the way the team is structured, the way it communicates and the way it develops as a team.You need to maintain a positive environment by focusing on the elements that work and by ensuring accountability for every member of the team.A successful team wants to learn and improve, not just for the benefit of the individual, but also for the benefit of the whole team.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Only Yesterday An Informal History of the 1920s by Frederick Lewis Allen Free Essay Example, 1000 words
The 1920s brought about may technological advances. As the prelude indicates, the motor industry in 1919 consisted of open cars of the old models. Moreover, the number of automobiles at that time was less than seven million, with poor roads and multiple speed limitations (7). In the decade that followed, the automobile industry advanced with new car models emerging, and about 23 million cars registered. Moreover, technology would bring about the radio, introducing a new media form in the society. Notably, print media also advanced with the number of distributed copies increasing immensely in the years that followed. Moreover, the society’s moral values would change immensely in the years between 1919 and 1930. At the conclusion of the world war, many Americans were conservative as highlighted by the example of the Smith family. Dress and groom for women was highly conservative in 1919. However, the 1920s brought about change as shorter skirts emerged with women using accessor ies and make-up becoming a part of the modern women (70). Other rigorous changes in the moral system altered the attitudes and perspectives demonstrated by people in the 1920s. We will write a custom essay sample on Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920's by Frederick Lewis Allen or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The gender roles in the society also changed. Evidently, the political system of the American system is also brought out in the book. After the war, the nation needed a president with the capacity of rebuilding the American nation, and making decisions that would terminate the extended effects of the war with countries such as Germany. The author portrays the people’s attitude to the president Harding, who earned popularity after his win in 1921. Although he was determined to help Americans in rebuilding their lives, his reign was not without scandal (97). The book highlights the multiple scandals that defined his leadership. It is worth highlighting that most of the Americans exhibited an ardent need for change, as some political leaders had not fulfilled their promises. On the other hand, many Americans were aware of the probable prohibition of alcohol in the years that would follow 1919. In the 1920s, the prohibition took its place, but wi th minimal success. Evidently, the author reveals that the prohibition would only serve to divide the people. In addition, the book describes the changes that transpired in the business world. After the world war, business would start booming with many people engaging in diversified forms of business. The stock market is one of the aspects of business that transformed the economic scenario of the United States.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Illusion Of Popular Culture - 983 Words
The Illusion of Popular Culture In the early 19th century a man by the name of Phineas Taylor Barnum changed popular culture with his extraordinary talent of promoting and advertising. His first success came with a slave woman known as â€Å"Joice Heath†who he claimed to be the nurse of George Washington. If this was true it would put Joice at 161 years old, thousands of people went to see â€Å"The greatest natural and national curiosity in the world†(Perlman 4/6/16) which turned Joice from an elderly woman to a national spectacle. I believe that the portrayal of women in 19th century popular culture has prevented the detachment of gender roles and has actually created confusion in the eyes of the masses. I will start by comparing the â€Å"Turkish Dance, Ella Lola†which is a short film of a woman dancing made in 1898 with 1850s megastars Madame Clofullia and Jenny â€Å"Swedish Nightingale†Lind, then I will compare the film to the â€Å"New Women†of Barnum and Bailey as w ell as early 20th century women. In order to fully understand my argument it is necessary to analyze the film by itself. The â€Å"Turkish dance, Ella Lola†is a video of a young woman dancing, she is wearing two skirts, necklaces, a flower headband, and a loose shirt. The dancing contains a lot of swirls, and hand movements as well as pelvic thrusts in both slow and fast tempos, she shakes her upper body making the necklaces and her shirt ricochet off each other. This was filmed in 1898 which was during the progressiveShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 4511583 Words  | 7 Pagescan be nearly as seductive as it is deadly. The beauty often lies behind commercialism, materialism and capitalism. 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Ultimately, the film fails because of the stereotypes embodied within the characters; this movie actually reinforces some stereotypes and typecasts some of the actors, creating an illusion of assimilation and inclusion while inadvertently doing the opposi te. It isolates these characters and defines what stereotypes are favorable and accepted in American culture as well as which stereotypes are not. In orderRead MoreThe Violence Of Abu Ghraib824 Words  | 4 Pagesdominant, we certainly do not do everything correctly. There are countless incidents where the U.S can be at fault but most people are blinded by popular culture and social media to realize the global events. There is a quote by Talib Kweli that goes, â€Å"The problem with our role is Americans live in a world of illusion†. We do in fact live in an illusion because we do not know what actually goes on in the world. All this time I had thought the U.S was better than everyone else but in reality we areRead MoreDoes Magic Really Exist? Essay881 Words  | 4 Pagesinfluence, or skill†(â€Å"Magic†). Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica states that magic is â€Å"a concept used to describe a mode of rationality or way of thinking that looks to invisible forc es to influence events, affect change in material conditions, or present the illusion of change†(â€Å"magic†, 2014). Magic covers a few different practices, including, but not limited to, divination, alchemy, sorcery, astrology, and necromancy. 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However, Theodor Adorno asserts that free time is nothing more than a shadowy continuation of labor.(195) For Ardono free time is ultimately an illusion, an illusion propagated by the culture of industry. The culture of industry operates as an omnipresent and deeply malevolent entertainment machine. Its purposes is to simultaneously distract and subvert the masses. Furthermore, Free time is hopelessly shackled to modernRead MoreAdvertisement Is A Perfect Example Of Postmodernism Advertising880 Words  | 4 Pagespeople of today live in an ‘unreal’ and fake world. Filming and disseminating this process â€Å"allows us to live without the illusions that modernity dangled before us†(Hart pg 9) The background classical music that has been slightly distorted illustrates Hart’s (2004) belief that â€Å"Postmodernism takes what it likes from high culture (classical music) and puts it to work in popular culture (advertising)†(Pg 8, Hart, 2004), further illustrating the idea that postmodernism involves removing â€Å"things out of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on the Book Night Free Essays
Night Night narrates Ely Wiesel’s test of faith and struggle for life through the horrors of the Holocaust. Twelve-year-old Elie and his family are packed into crowded cattle carts and shipped to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camps. This is where Elie survives tragic events that cause him to question God who could let such suffering occur. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on the Book Night or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the memoir Night, three events that lead to Elie’s victory over death and questioning of the existence of God are when Elie and all the Jews are separated into different carts, Elie’s struggles in the concentration camps and the final death march. Elie’s former teacher, Moshe the Beadle, comes to warn Elie and his family to not be tricked by the Germans, for they were taking control of trains and transporting them to death camps. Elie’s family doesn’t believe Moshe because his stories seemed exaggerated. Soon after, Elie’s family is forced to live in small ghettos in the center of the town. When the trains pulled up, there was no turning back. â€Å"The Hungarian police made us climb into the cars eighty persons in each one. They handed us some bread and a few pails of water†(Wiesel 22). Elie realizes he and his family are not going to safety. When the train wheels stopped, there was a wretched stench of corpse bodies. They were in Birkeneau. He was shortly separated from his mother and sisters. This momentous event will forever change his family. His faith is massacred, â€Å"Never shall I forget those moments that murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to ashes†(Weisel 34). Elie and his father go through many horrific obstacles in the concentration camps. One afternoon, Elie and his father are forced to watch a hanging of three condemned prisoners, two of which were grown men and the other an innocent child. The two men were no longer alive, but the child’s rope was still moving for he was to light and was still breathing. Elie questions himself, â€Å"How could I say to Him: Blessed be Thou, Almighty, Master of the Universe, who chose us among all nations to be tortured day and night, to watch our fathers, our mothers, our brothers end up in the furnaces†(Weisel 67). After watching thousands of Jews die each day, Elie loses his faith in God completely. Before the war is over, the Germans try to eliminate as many Jews as they can before the Americans invade and free the Jews. Elie has just gotten out of the infirmary because of his infected foot. Elie is about to give up at this point, but he sticks through and survives the death march. After the death march had finally come to a rest, Elie’s father becomes very sick with dysentery. After Elie’s father passes away, Elie is upset but is relieved. Elie is struck with food poisoning and spends weeks in the hospital, deathly ill. When he finally raises himself and looks in the mirrorâ€â€he has not seen himself in a mirror since leaving Sighetâ€â€he is shocked: â€Å"From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. †Elie comes to realize, in the process of separating himself from the corpse, he has become, as a result of his time in the concentration camps, can coexist with faith, both in God and in man. In each of the three events described, Elie must face major traumatic life changes that force him to question his belief in God. Despite these terrible struggles, Elie does not allow himself to be consumed with revenge and evil. He maintains goodness in his spirit. Ellie says, â€Å"And even when we were no longer hungry, not one of us thought of revenge†(Wiesel 115). If God is good and Elie is still (good) inside despite his sufferings, then God must still exist. How to cite Essay on the Book Night, Essays
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Data Collection Procedure
Question: Explain Data Collection Procedure. Answer: Data Collection Procedure In this particular task, the investigator has used two kinds of data gathering procedure (Ronfeldt, 2012). The two kind of data gathering process is primary data gathering procedure and secondary data gathering. Further the data collection procedure is divided into two parts the qualitative data collection procedure and quantitative data collection procedure. To complete, the entire research work on time the researcher used effective methods of data collection to support the entire research work on time (Atuahene, 2012). The researcher interrogated both the teachers of the institution as well as all the stuff of the management. After completing the entire interview process, the researcher got some mixed review of the entire research questionnaire. Autonomous Curriculum Questionnaire is prepared by the researcher to support the entire quantitative as well as qualitative method of data collection procedure (Giudicati, Riccaboni and Romiti, 2013). To complete, the entire data collection procedure the researcher interrogated thirty teachers of the institutions and three pieces of stuff of the management (Siu, Zhang and Yau, 2013). Quantitative method of data collection procedure In this particular data collection, a procedure the researcher has analyzed thirty teachers of the institutions in order to complete the entire quantitative method of data collection procedure (Murugan and Rajendran, 2013). The researcher discusses the research questions as follows. Q1) what is the current stage of the retention policy of the institution? Options Frequency Percentage Total Very good 2 10% 20 Good 3 15% 20 Fair 10 50% 20 Poor 3 15% 20 Very Poor 2 10% 20 Table 1: Retention Policy of the Institution From the above question, the researcher has a mixed review. The researcher accomplished about the retention policy of the institution. The majority of the teacher around 50% of the entire population suggested that the entire retention procedure of the institution is fair. 10 percent of the people suggested that the retention procedure of the institution is very good followed by 15 percentage of the population suggested the retention policy is good. On the other hand 15 percent of the population suggested the retention policy of the institution is poorly followed by ten percent of the people suggested poor. Figure 1: Retention Policy of the institution (Source: Developed by the Author) Q2) Do you think that individual tutorial system puts Options Frequency Percentage Total Yes 75% 15 20 No 25% 5 20 Table 2: Effect of Individual Tutorial System From the above research question, the researcher found that the majority of the teachers among the entire population suggested that individual tutorial system puts a huge effect on the retention policy of the institution. On the other hand, 25% of the entire population suggested that the individual tutorial system hardly put any effect in the entire retention policy of the institution. After going through different kinds of research methodologies, the researcher concluded that the individual tutorial system puts a positive effect on the entire institutions. The researcher also added that the entire educational system has changed in different ways. One of the major changes is the inclusion of the individual tutorial system from which the majority of the students gets personal attention. This particular procedure helps a lot to maintain a good level of a retention policy in the institution. Figure 1: Effect of Individual Tutorial System (Source: Created by the Author) The usual duration is 6 week but it can change depending on the students willingness. It is the first time they are implementing this system so 100% effort need to be put to ensure it stays inside. The new legislation made by the government which states that students have to go to school and get employment has a range of effects on the students as well as their parents. It has two aspects. Firstly, it helps provide the student the foundation of either staying in school or college or seek employment. Secondly, there is a record of a kid getting away from his school and the institution could not take proper action. There are good many methods and ways to encourage students to stay. The present retention policies and strategies that are documented by the government has rules where, if a student suffers from difficulties or faces troubles or any kind of problem, he or she is treated by counselors or is sent to special child care departments. The system is really beneficial for the studen ts as well as the institutions as it reduces the chances of student dropouts. Students find it interesting to stay and willing to try harder if the course study seems difficult. There are a number of strategies that can be implemented to keep the students on board. The approach should focus on one-to-one interactions. The course lectures and study materials should be of such a level so that it is comprehensible and easily understandable by the students. The academic coursework should be structured according to the students capabilities and ability to cope with it. Special commitments should be made for the struggling students. Whether the students struggle with child care or part time job or money, there are various options to resolve their problems. Students with part time jobs may find it difficult to take out time from their daily routine for doing course study to complete their syllabus. Students who are lagging behind for such reasons should be provided means to ensure they can still stay in and cope with the course work. Some methods can be implemented such as writing down the parts in which the students faced difficulties or uploading online study guides and materials. Moreover, students should be handled more closely to be able to build a more personal relationship with them. It can be useful to figure out their point of weakness and areas that need improvement. Also, if a student suffers difficulties in child care, he or she can be shown some empathy which will really help them be positive and stay motivated. The college premises generally provide internet access through LAN or Wi-Fi connections. It can be utilized to give tutorials. There are always options for providing additional tutorials, reference books in order to make students more familiar with the course syllabus. The time span and deadline of assignments should be adjusted in a manner that goes with the students comfort level and ease of understanding the task. Implementation of some of the se useful methods will help students to actually learn and improve their knowledge. Q3) what is the effect of Pastoral support? Options Frequency Percentage Total Very good 3 15% 20 Good 2 10% 20 Fair 10 50% 20 Poor 2 10% 20 Very Poor 3 15% 20 Table 3: Effect of Pastoral support From the above question, the researcher concluded about the pastoral support of the institution. The researcher added supported pastoral means the counseling procedure. Counseling procedure helps the majority of the students to diversify the entire studying options. If any particular institution provides a proper counseling procedure in order, it will surely make a positive impact on the entire retention policy of the students. The researcher has a mixed review on the counseling and the pastoral procedure of the institution. The majority of the teacher in the entire population thinks that if any particular institution provides a proper counseling system to the students, it will result in the positive side of the entire retention policy of the institution. The majority of the teachers in the entire population around 50 percent suggested that the counseling procedure of the intuition is fair enough to maintain the entire retention policy. On the other hand, 10 percent of the population suggested that counseling procedure very good followed by 15 percent of the people complete on the good side of the research questions. Figure 3: Effect of Pastoral support (Source: Developed by the Author) Qualitative data collection procedure In order to complete the entire research work, the researcher supported the entire data collection procedure with the help of the Qualitative data procedure (Nwankwo, 2013). Keeping in mind the data protection act of 1998 the researcher organized the entire data collection procedure in order to support the research work with effective information (Patro, 2014). The researcher communicated with three stuffs of the Institute in order to complete the qualitative data collection procedure Q) What is the future planning is of the institution? According to the first stuff of the institution the future planning of the institution is to develop a proper retention, polices keeping in mind the requirements of both this particular he institutions as well as the students. To maintain a proper retention procedure, this particular institution has developed some major formulation on the development of the retention procedure. According to the third manager, the future planning of the entire institution is to develop a strong tutorial system. With the help of this particular tutorial system, the students, as well as the institution, will be benefited both ways. The students will get personal attention and on the other hand, the institution will be able to conclude about the problems of the students and to suggest them the best solutions. According to the third manager, the intuition is focusing on the development of proper counseling and pastoral support. It will help the students to be benefited with this system and will help the institution to maintain a proper retention policy. Reference List Atuahene, F. (2012). 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